EBP Data Reports
For older reports, please see our archives page. Thank you!
What We Report
County level data on eligible clients that received reported EBP psychotherapy encounter
Number of agencies reporting EBPs by treatment category and total number of sessions reported per EBP Code
Total eligible sessions with an EBP code reported
Why We Report
We summarize and share data we receive from the Washington State HCA which details EBP reporting activity across the state. To make this data transparent to providers, payers, and other partners we release these tables through our listserv and on our website on a quarterly basis. We have focused on county level data and the number of agencies reporting EBPs. Our hope is to inform and improve reporting processes that contribute to promoting and using quality care practices.
There is a lot more detail that we have access to and numerous ways to analyze and interpret the data. Providers and agencies that are interested in learning more about their specific rate of reporting, we can let you know! Please contact us.
How to Report
Tailored processes for EBP reporting can be developed in Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems for documentation in the session notes and/or treatment plan. EHR systems can also be set up to transmit reported EBP codes as part of routing billing data submitted to Managed Care Organizations (MCOs).
For billing codes beginning in 860 the technical steps are referenced in our reporting guide (page 51). If you have questions get in touch.
We are currently involved in streamlining the process for reporting with the SERI and Mental Health Billing Guides.