Leadership Initiative
Quality behavioral healthcare for children and adolescents should be available to all who need it; yet this type of care is often elusive. This can be particularly true for children and adolescents experiencing economic and racial marginalization. At EBPI/CoLab , we are working to improve access to quality behavioral health care for all of Washingtonian children using a multi-layered strategy focused on supervisors, embedded clinical expertise, and executive-level leadership.
What do we mean by quality care? We believe quality behavioral health care is culturally responsive, client-centered and informed by evidence, when possible.
Supervisor Tools for Quality
Supervisors play an integral role in the delivery of effective care. In recognition of this role, this project will develop cost effective, easy to use, and practical strategies and tools to support supervisors in their day-to-day support of clinicians. This project will engage in ongoing collaboration with a Supervisory Advisory Team to oversee the development of resources.
Spring 2021 – Identify key supervisory support strategies and tools and present to Supervisory Advisory Team for feedback and prioritizing
Summer 2021 – Development and refinement of key supervisor support strategies and tools.
Fall 2021 – Supervisory Advisory Team will pilot tools and strategies within their organizations, and provide feedback on feasibility and utility for further refinement/improvements.
2022 – EBPI/CoLab will partner with stakeholders for wider scale application and use of supervisor support tools and strategies in community mental health centers.
Embedded Clinical Coaching
Quality child and adolescent behavioral health care should be the norm in all community behavioral settings. EBPI/CoLab will promote the development of quality care expertise within behavioral health agencies to reduce the cost and improve the speed of clinical workforce training. This project intends to move principles of effective behavioral health care more quickly into practice, and foster agency resilience to workforce turnover.
Spring –Summer 2021 – Planning phase: identify key processes and targets for change
Fall 2021 - Identify and recruit sites for participation and finalize a plan for embedding expertise in community mental health agencies.
2022 – Begin implementation
Leadership and Organizational development
Leadership is a key determinant of an agency’s capacity to avoid or overcome challenges associated with providing effective behavioral health care in community settings. Recognizing the value of providing training and support to agency leaders, EBPI/CoLab is proposing to partner with the Leadership and Organizational Change for Implementation, LOCI, at the University of California San Diego, and policy stakeholders in Washington State to develop a plan for scaling a leadership support initiative for clinical leaders in Washington State. Scalability frameworks in a codesign approach will be used to ensure the developed plan is informed by considerations of reach and sustainability as well as buy in from policy stakeholders to support implementation.
May 2021-March 2022: Planning period
March 2022 – Plan finalized in anticipation of 2022 legislative session