CARE for Kids & Families

CARE (Culturally Affirming & Responsive Mental Health) for Kids & Families is a statewide initiative to promote culturally responsive behavioral healthcare while centering youth, caregivers, and community members with lived experience/expertise in the behavioral health system.


About the Initiative

With workforce shortages and the impact of COVID-19 on our communities' mental health, the need for expanding access to culturally responsive, child mental and behavioral health services is immense. CARE for Kids & Families is a project that works to address that need while centering community knowledge and lived experience. CARE seeks to outline a vision for a community behavioral health system in Washington State that is more culturally responsive, equitable, and effective in the services it provides to children and families.  The CARE project was initiated in 2022 with funding from the Washington state legislature, beginning with an initial codesign and planning phase through 2023.  

After codesign, the CARE project was condensed into 3 main areas with respective aims:  

  1. Cultural Responsivity Training - Develop a training strategy to increase culturally relevant and evidence-informed treatment; 

  2. Wellness Services - Support an expansion of the workforce to include non-masters level providers with lived experience to deliver these treatments. 

  3. Workforce Development - Provide organizational support to public behavioral health agency leaders; Support an expansion of the workforce to include non-masters level providers with lived experience to deliver these treatments. 

The CARE project has evolved significantly since its inception, and the website will be continuously updated with new product developments and information! Scroll below to find more information on the CARE project, including team members, content on previous work, and how you can stay updated.  

How You Can Get Involved

Stay in the loop!

Sign up for regular updates below. We’ll keep you informed on how things are going and share exciting project milestones and any future opportunities for participation. (We respect your time and inbox—we’ll never email you more than once per week.)

Contact the Project Team


Mariam Haris
Research Coordinator

Contact Mariam for questions on getting involved or project logistics.


Anna Duncan
Program & Policy Lead

Contact Anna for questions related to policy, funding, or partnerships.

CARE Collaborators

The CARE partnership includes core and advisory teams of individuals representing diverse cultural groups, public mental health consumers, provider agencies, payer and state organizations, and clinical and scholarly experts. The advisory team has three subcommittees: Cultural Responsivity Training (CRT), Workforce Development/Wellbeing Services, and Policy/Organizational Support. A community sounding board also provides feedback to guide team decisions.

We are immensely grateful to the partners and collaborators who were instrumental to designing and advancing the CARE project during its first year! You can view a list of those individuals and organizations, here.

Our current collaborators are listed below:

Makinie Fortino
Deconstructing the Mental Health System    

Mariam Haris

Martha Ortiz
Seattle Children’s Hospital 

Pete Gonzales
SPARK Peer Learning Center 

Rachel Porter

Sarah C Walker

Shayla Collins
UW Center for Child and Family Wellbeing 

Stef Cervantes
SPARK Peer Learning Center 

Taquesha Dean
Deconstructing the Mental Health System 


Alya Azman

Anna Duncan

Carolyn Cox
SPARK Peer Learning Center 

Cece Byrd
SPARK Peer Learning Center 

China Bolden
CoLab / Seattle Children’s Hospital 

Deekon Jones
New Developed Nations 

Diana McCallum
SPARK Peer Learning Center 

Elizabeth Perry

Jazmaine Wong
SPARK Peer Learning Center 

    • Ali Goodyear, Washington Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics 

    • Alissa Hemke, Seattle Children’s Hospital 

    • Becca Calhoun, UW Center for Child and Family Wellbeing 

    • Bill O'Connell, BHSS Clinical Training Program 

    • Carolyn Cox, SPARK Peer Learning Center 

    • China Bolden, CoLab / Seattle Children's Hospital 

    • Deekon Jones, New Developed Nations 

    • Gabe Hamilton, SPARK Peer Learning Center 

    • Gary Stobbe, Washington INCLUDE Collaborative 

    • Jami Armstrong, Workforce Central 

    • Jim Mancini, Washington INCLUDE Collaborative 

    • Jim Theofelis, North Star Advocates 

    • Kari Haugen, Workforce Central 

    • Karis Casagrande, Washington INCLUDE Collaborative 

    • Kate Orville, Washington INCLUDE Collaborative 

    • Katie Condit, Workforce Central 

    • Laurie Lippold, Partners for Our Children 

    • Lawrence S. Wissow, Seattle Children’s Hospital 

    • Libby Hein, Molina Healthcare 

    • Liliana J. Lengua, UW Center for Child and Family Wellbeing 

    • Marcee Merriam, Kindering 

    • Maria Nunez, SPARK Peer Learning Center 

    • Mariam Haris, CoLab 

    • Martha Ortiz, Seattle Children’s Hospital 

    • Mary Ann Woodruff, Pediatrics Northwest 

    • Monica Burke, Washington State Department of Health 

    • Naisha Williams, Washington State Department of Health 

    • Paul Davis, Health Care Authority 

    • Rachel Lettieri, Pediatrics Northwest 

    • Ray Gregson, Great Rivers Behavioral Health Administrative Services Organization 

    • Rebecca Betts, Providence Health and Services 

    • Sarah C Walker, CoLab 

    • Sarah Rafton, Washington Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics 

    • Shayla Collins, UW Center for Child and Family Wellbeing 

    • Someireh Amirfaiz, New Americans Alliance for Policy and Research   

    • Stef Cervantes, SPARK Peer Learning Center 

    • Taquesha Dean, Deconstructing the Mental Health System    

    • Terry Lee, Community Health Plan of Washington 

    • Thanh Nguyen, Washington INCLUDE Collaborative 

    • Trenecsia Wilson, Psychotherapist 

    • Chalon Ervin, Deconstructing the Mental Health System 

    • Cindy Trevino, Seattle Children’s Hospital 

    • Deekon Jones, New Developed Nations 

    • Makinie Fortino, Deconstructing the Mental Health System 

    • Mariam Haris, CoLab 

    • Ray Gregson, Great Rivers Behavioral Health Administrative Services Organization 

    • Sarah Walker, CoLab 

    • Shayla Collins, UW Center for Child and Family Wellbeing 

    • Someireh Amirfaiz, New Americans Alliance for Policy and Research   

    • Taquesha Dean, Deconstructing the Mental Health System 

    • Trenecsia Wilson, Psychotherapist    

    • Carolyn Cox, SPARK Peer Learning Center 

    • Cindy Trevino, Seattle Children’s Hospital 

    • Mariam Haris, CoLab 

    • Martha Ortiz, Seattle Children’s Hospital 

    • Ray Gregson, Great Rivers Behavioral Health Administrative Services Organization 

    • Sarah Walker, CoLab 

    • Someireh Amirfaiz, New Americans Alliance for Policy and Research 

CARE Resources & Updates


Check out the CARE Newsletter, where we share exciting project milestones and opportunities to get involved with the CARE project.


Partner Spotlights

Community Forums

2023 Community Forum

On May 25, 2023, we hosted an open forum to mark the one-year anniversary of working on the CARE project. This was an opportunity for us to share the progress we've made towards better understanding the landscape of expanded culturally responsive mental healthcare and to highlight the many partners who have co-led this work while gathering valuable community feedback.

2022 Community Forum

On June 16, 2022, we hosted an open community forum to talk through the project vision, hear any initial thoughts/reactions, share ideas, and answer questions.

Community Recommendations

At the community forum (linked above), we asked community members to share their concerns and guidance regarding the CARE initiative. Responses were gathered from a public ranking and question submission platform. These responses guided and continue to guide our processes and work, both internal and external, to ensure transparency and accountability to community. Click the button below to view the themes that emerged and how our team will address each theme.   


 Background & Funding

This project was funded through legislative proviso and aims to both strengthen the lived experience behavioral health workforce and create a culturally responsive care curriculum for statewide implementation in Medicaid-serving organizations. 

To learn more about the background of this initiative, check our our origin story.